Tips to Write High-Quality Papers Wed, 12 Jul 2023 12:02:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 32 32 How to Write a Concept Paper Step by Step Thu, 17 Mar 2022 18:42:42 +0000 What is a Concept Paper?

A concept paper is a brief document that a researcher creates before they start their research project. It explains the study’s purpose, its importance, and the methods that will use it.

Your proposed research title, brief introduction about the subject, research questions, research methods, and data type will be included in the concept paper. You can also refer to a concept paper as a proposal for research.

What is the Purpose of Concept Paper?

A research concept paper’s primary purpose is to convince the reader that the proposed project is worthwhile. The reader must first agree that the proposed research project is innovative and worthwhile. The reader should first agree that this research is needed and that the questions and research goals are appropriate.

They should also be satisfied that the data collection methods proposed are feasible, likely to work, and can be completed within the time frame allocated.

These are the three most common scenarios where you might need to write a conceptual paper:

  • Final year undergraduate or master’s student who is preparing to begin a research project together with a supervisor.
  • A student submits a proposal for a PhD research project.
  • Principal investigator who submits a proposal to a funding agency to obtain financial support for a research program.

Writing a Concept Paper and the Suggested Format

Private foundations often require that a concept paper is submitted to be reviewed before submitting a full proposal.

Federal and state agencies have encouraged the use of concept paper to get informal feedback from applicants on their ideas and projects before preparing a proposal. These agencies may now require that a concept paper is submitted as part the formal submission process.

A concept paper is designed to assist applicants in developing more competitive proposals. It also helps to cut down on time by eliminating those proposals that are unlikely to be funded.

The purpose of a concept paper is for the applicant to attract the attention of the funding agency and show that their idea is worth further consideration.

The first sentence of a concept document is therefore very important. The funding agency representatives and board members should continue reading.


The Introduction should contain information about the funding agency. It is important to show that you are knowledgeable about the funding agency’s mission and the types and projects they support.

Next, identify the agency that you represent. Describe how your agency and the funding agent’s missions mesh. Describe the partners agencies involved in the project and their interests.


Next, describe the problem, question or need to be addressed (Purpose).Provide supporting documentation to support the importance of this question, problem, or need. Use statistical data if you have it. Numbers are always persuasive.

In other words, let’s say why everyone should care. Although it may seem harsh, when you’re close to an issue, it’s easy to forget that not everyone understands the situation.

You should cite other people’s work in relation to your research or project so that the funding agency believes you are an expert. Don’t claim that you are the only one who has ever suggested such a project. Even the most innovative and brilliant ideas are built on the work of people in related fields.

Description of the Project

  • Tell us about your project. What your agency will do, why it is unique, and who will benefit. (Project Description). Briefly explain your goals and objectives, or your research questions. A goal is a statement that describes a broad, abstract intention, state, or condition. A statement that identifies measurable outcomes related to the goal is called an objective. An objective can include information about “who, what, or when”. It does not include information about “how”.
  • Provide an overview of your method, including how the project will be executed and any new techniques or processes. Be sure to link the methods, goals, and objectives. You should include a timeline for the things you want to achieve.
  • List the expected benefits and who they will benefit from the research. Basic research is more difficult. However, you should still be able to explain how your research will contribute to the scientific body and the number of students who will benefit from your work.
  • Keep your concept papers to five pages. Be concise, clear, and brief. You don’t need to overwhelm readers with details, but you should not sound vague or unsure of what you are trying to achieve.
  • Be positive, definite, and specific. Instead of saying that an objective may be achieved, indicate that it “will be achieved” within a specified time. If the purpose of the funding program is to fund “planning”, it’s best not to ask for money for that. Funding agencies will not fund projects that are beyond the planning phase.
  • Think about your audience. Scientific terms and technical jargon are acceptable if your concept paper will be reviewed by scientists from your field. This type of language may not be appropriate if your proposal will be reviewed by lay people or generalists.
  • Do not include budgetary information unless it is requested (Support). If you are required to give dollar amounts, you should work with the Office of Sponsored Projects in order to create your budget. Otherwise, describe what support you require, such as personnel, travel, and equipment.
  • Last but not least, appearance is key. This concept sheet represents you! You should make sure that the font size is large enough for easy reading and that the margins are standard. Check for spelling errors before submission. Attention to detail is crucial.
  • Number all pages. Include your name and the date in header. Include your contact information in the concept paper (Contact).

Here is an outline of a concept paper. Use the format provided by your agency if it is different.

The suggested format for a concept paper

  1. Introduction
  2. Project Purpose
  3. Project Description
  4. Research Questions/Objectives/Goals
  5. Timelines and Methodology
  6. Benefits and Expected Outcomes
  7. If requested, support and costs
  8. Contact Information

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Research Paper Outline Template and Tips Thu, 17 Mar 2022 18:42:21 +0000 It is a good idea to create research paper outline before you start school, scholarship, contest essays. This will make it much easier. Research paper outlines can help you organize your thoughts, regardless of how complex or long they are. This skill can be an asset throughout your education and career. This article will explain how to create a high-quality outline for a research paper to structure winning essays.

What is a research paper outline

Outlines can be visual aids to help writers organize essays. An outline will contain the main points of each paragraph, as well as the topic sentences, thesis and supporting sentences. To visualize the parts of an essay, and to see how they connect together, writers use outline. Although most high school and college research papers have five paragraphs, there are many variations of this format for longer papers. Therefore, it is important to be familiar with the five-paragraph essay format in order to transition to longer papers.

How to outline a research paper

Once you have chosen a topic, decide what type of research paper to write. There are two types of common formats: comparative essays and argumentative essays. The structures of all three formats are similar, however. Here are some steps to help you create an outline.

  • Decide what type of essay you will be writing. Research essays for high schools and early college are usually five paragraphs long. They can be either argumentative or descriptive.
  • Decide your topic. Instructors often provide topics for students. Topics that are interesting to the reader and can be argued are the best.
  • Take notes, reference materials, and resources.
  • All research and investigations must be completed.
  • You can organize your outline using either full sentence or alphabetic. Alpha-numeric outlines are less detailed than full sentence outlines. Both are shown below.
  • Consider using parallel structure. Every section should start with the same type word, nouns and verbs. Use the same tense if you are using verbs.
  • Even if you have a longer paper, think in terms of the five paragraph essay. The introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion are essential sections.
  • Your introductory sentence should be written. This sentence is second only to your thesis and one of the most important sentences in your paper. This sentence should spark interest and introduce your topic.
  • For at least three supporting sentences or quotations, add the ideas or complete sentences.
  • Make an argumentable thesis. This sentence is usually the last one in the introduction. It contains three points. Rosemary’s Baby, for example, is a masterpiece due to its use of atmosphere horror, visual symbols and its surprise ending.
  • Each point of the thesis should be supported by a paragraph. Each paragraph should begin with a topic sentence that addresses the points of the thesis. The thesis may be used as the title for the first paragraph of an essay.
  • In the final paragraph, reiterate the thesis. You could use Rosemary’s Baby as an example.
  • For at least two sentences, combine the ideas and complete sentences to summarize your essay.
  • The conclusion can be concluded with a declarative statement, or with suggestions for future research.
  • Consider compare/contrast essays. A compare and contrast essay has a slightly different structure. These papers typically consist of an introduction and a paragraph on similarities. A paragraph to discuss the differences is then followed by a conclusion.
  • Advanced organizers are useful for longer essays. These cases may require that each thesis point be presented in multiple paragraphs. In these instances, advanced organizers and headings can be used to introduce the points.

Example outline for a research paper

Most cases you won’t be able to turn your outline. You can modify your outline as many times as you need. A well-written outline with parallel structure is nice. However, it’s most important purpose is to help you write. It is not important to maintain a consistent style or format. Instead, use the elements that are most useful to you.

This example provides a template for writing five paragraph research papers:

  1. Introduction
    • Introductory sentence
    • Refer to the supporting sentence, citation, or quote
    • Refer to the supporting sentence, citation or quote
    • Thesis
  2. Body Paragraph I
    • Topic sentence related first point of thesis
    • Refer to sentence 1 for support or quote with explanation
    • Refer to sentence 2 for support or quote with explanation
    • Refer to sentence 3 as a support or quote with explanation
  3. Body Paragraph II
    • Topic sentence related second point of thesis
    • Refer to sentence 1 for support or quote with explanation
    • Refer to sentence 2 for support or quote with explanation
    • Refer to sentence 3 as a support or quote with explanation
  4. Paragraph III
    • Topic sentence related third point of thesis
    • Refer to sentence 1 for support or quote with explanation
    • Refer to sentence 2 for support or quote with explanation
    • Refer to sentence 3 as a support or quote with explanation
  5. Conclusion
    • Restate thesis in an innovative way
    • First Supporting sentence
    • Second support sentence
    • Final thoughts, with ideas for future research and additional questions

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Unique Guide to Writing a History Research Paper Fri, 11 Feb 2022 10:03:24 +0000 When preparing to write your history research paper, note that the first and most crucial stage is choosing your research paper topic. A well-chosen and adequately researched topic will make your work easier. If you choose a subject because it sounds significant or a subject you don’t know much about, there’s every tendency you’ll face many challenges while writing your paper.

Now, aside from choosing your topic, there are other essential things you should note when writing your history paper. And we will explore some of them in this article. We will also outline some research paper topics history students may benefit from.

How to Write a History Research Paper

After choosing your topic, the next step is writing your paper. This step requires a lot of attention, commitment, and research. To enable you to write a well-informed and non-plagiarized paper, some of the questions you should ask yourself include:

  • What is the format for a research paper?
  • What is a history research paper format?
  • What is a research paper outline?
  • How do I form my history research paper outline?

Answering these questions will give you a head start on your paper, and that’s what we’ve broken done for you.

What is the General Format of a History Research Paper?

Writing your history research paper follows the same format every other academic research paper follows. And this format serves as a writing guide, putting you through what comes before and follows next. Every research writing entails that it follows this particular format of:

  • Title
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Body
  • Conclusion
  • Reference
  • Index/Appendix

It must appear in this order. If your research paper does not adhere to this format, you have deviated from the recommended design for writing an essay.

What Your History Research Paper Outline Should Look Like

While the research format gives you an idea of the structure of your paper, the outline guides you in breaking down your points and writing your research paper. With a well-prepared procedure, the bulk of the work in writing will be reduced and channeled towards research.

Generally, the outline of every research paper looks like this:

  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Review of Scholarship
  • Research Problem
  • Research Objectives
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • Reference
  • Appendix

Your outline should appear this way. But, for one tailored to your history research paper, you’ll have to break it down; it will become the primary outline that’ll serve you while writing. A helpful sample is:

  1. Abstract – Here, you will focus on writing about the main point of your research. You’ll highlight what your research is centered around.
  2. Introduction – Start with a hook sentence that looks like a brief background to the study. Ensure to include supporting sentences and cite authorities briefly.
  3. Body (Paragraph I)—Where you’ll begin your literature review. You’d also expound on various related scholarly works.
  4. (Paragraph II) – Introduce other scholarly works different from the first.
  5. (Paragraph III) – Include two more scholarly works (research works require at least four works cited for literature review)

Once you can handle your abstract, introduction, and literature review, the rest of the paper gradually comes together.

History Topics for Research Paper

Your research paper topic is essential. It determines the level of effort you’ll put into your work. For your research paper, avoid choosing a subject you know nothing about or letting others decide for you.

Suppose you find it challenging to choose a topic, research about history topic Ideas, or popular history research topics. Here are some history research paper topics to consider to aid your search.

  1. How imperialism is shaping up within African countries
  2. The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic and how it reshaped the world
  3. A comparative student of the Great Depression and the American recession of 2008
  4. A study of the American Great Migration
  5. Exploring feminism from the first wave feminist movements

Choosing and writing a research paper is a demanding task—there’s a lot involved—research, time, and study material. If you find writing your history research paper challenging, you can seek assistance for your history research paper online. Online experts can guide you or help you write your essay.

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Tips on How to Write a Research Paper in Law Fri, 11 Feb 2022 10:02:14 +0000 The field of law is one of the most interesting fields of study, mostly because it has lots of interesting issues to research. However, the fact that it has a lot of issues to research also poses some problems to several students preparing their legal research papers. The hardest part of writing a legal research paper is deciding upon a topic worth investigating on paper. But, once a student has chosen a topic, we wouldn’t say the rest is “easy” because the idea of exploring gets exciting. Researching a legal issue requires understanding its background, tracing the legislation history, consulting legal scholars’ professional opinions, and developing suggestions.

Writing a Legal Research Paper: Legal Research Paper Outline

Legal research papers follow the typical academic writing style, including an introduction, the main body, and the conclusion. Proper structuring is important in legal research paper writing; it is what distinguishes a good academic writer from a generic writer. A good legal research paper format should include:

  • Introduction: This part is crucial to the success of your paper because these are the first words your readers will read after your topic. It should clearly state your thesis or research problem and define the query’s scope. Your paper’s introduction serves as a foundation for further consideration; don’t attempt to develop your argument here.
  • Main Body: This is the focal point of your legal research paper and its most extensive part. You will divide this part into sections, with each section beginning with a heading and purpose. The main body should contain paragraphs, each one starting with a topic sentence and ending with a concluding sentence. The paper body should answer the research question or problem.
  • Conclusion: The legal research paper conclusion summarizes the main points discussed in the main body. It shouldn’t consist of sentences or phrases copied from the introduction or main body, and you shouldn’t introduce new arguments.

10 Tips on How to Write a Legal Research Paper

These tips should guide you in writing standard, impressive, and A-worthy legal research writing:

  1. Ensure you understand what your instructor, professor, or lecturer expects from the paper.
  2. Choose a topic that is as specific as possible; avoid generic topics.
  3. The least fun part of academic writing is research, but it is one of the most crucial parts, so take your time here.
  4. Develop an outline and let it be detailed, but don’t overdo it; stick with the main points that support your thesis.
  5. Have a detailed but short and precise background; it should only cover about one-third of the paper.
  6. Let go of your classroom knowledge for now; deconstruct it.
  7. Most parts of your paper should include thorough, rigorous analysis.
  8. Read through your writing and criticize it thoroughly; don’t take it easy on yourself.
  9. Let your conclusion be perfect; summarize and emphasize your findings’ significance.
  10. Be willing to make large-scale changes to your paper, ensuring you fully develop all your ideas.

Legal Topics for Research Paper

Got a legal research paper to write, but no topic is forthcoming? Here are some legal paper topics worth researching on:

Interesting Legal Research Paper Topics

  1. Does science help in crime investigation: how?
  2. Classical criminology theories
  3. Steps in criminal justice research
  4. How to deal with gang crimes
  5. What connection is there between crime and mental illness?

Legal Issues Research Paper Topics

  1. Rules and regulations in organ donation
  2. Legal regulations and morality of abortion
  3. Challenges of code-based ethics
  4. Differences and similarities between European and American criminal law
  5. Religious crimes in developed countries

In conclusion, the notion that the term “research” gives many students is that it is too daunting. Eight out of ten students believe research is meant for academicians and theoreticians, but that’s farfetched. You can write a brilliant legal research paper; you only have to learn it the way you learn everything else.

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